Wallpapers |
To easily navigate through the wallpaper galleries, use the
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>> Wallpaper Gallery #01
NEW!: We have a new AC Milan wallpapers section containing wallpapers created by the users of this site. Do check it out here or by using the small menu located in the top right corner. You won't be dissapointed!
In order to load fast, I've split this section into more
categories. The newest wallpapers are found in the latest
categories (for example, the #02 gallery wallpapers are newer
than the #01 gallery wallpapers; the top ones being newer
than the bottom ones). Below you can find the first wallpaper
To download the desired wallpaper, click on the wallpaper
image. All the wallpapers are made for 800 x 600 resolution,
but you can use them for 1024 x 768 too. All you have to do
is stretch the wallpaper and change the color depth to 24
or 32 bits. The wallpapers are high quality ones, so you won't
lose quality by stretching them.
The thumbnails are low quality in order for this page to
load faster.